2009年4月12日 星期日

[09台東花蓮] 13/Apr/09 Part 1: 太魯閣國家公園單車行

今天, 就是我們參觀太魯閣國家公園的日子.

先看一看網上的信息: 太魯閣國家公園,位於台灣東部的花蓮,屬於峽谷型國家公園,以峽谷景觀聞名,具有雄偉壯麗的山川景色,長春祠、燕子口、九曲洞等峽谷景觀美不勝收,著名的白楊瀑布、清水斷崖展現太魯閣國家公園地形之險峻與地質之奧妙。太魯閣國家公園是台灣的第四座國家公園,1986年11月12日公告計畫,1986年11月28日成立管理處。位於台灣東部,地跨花蓮縣、台中縣、南投縣三個行政區。園內有台灣第一條東西橫貫公路通過,稱為中橫公路系統。



因為太魯閣的佔地很大, 步道景點之間距離很遠, 但又無公共交通(台地至天祥1天只有2班公交) , 固多數的遊客都是 :
1) 自己駕車
2) 包車
3) 參加local tour
外地遊客, 當然是local tour 最多. 但我見local tour 多只是到最簡單的步道一輕探, 似是浪費了. 但包車一天又比較貴. 於是在網上找看, 給我看到一個特別點的辦法 : 單車行.

你會說, 單車遊台很普通罷 ! 是的. 但如果你由太魯閣口上到天祥, 這全是上山的路. 以我的體能, 推1小時單車已完蛋了, 何況這段上山路程我想要2-3小時at least.

我今次找到的單車行, 是在太魯閣景區內唯一的單車行.

它會用汽車運人連單車由花蓮直上到天祥. 之後你自由玩太魯閣 (多是下山段), 到太魯閣口再車你回花蓮. 那你就不用擔心一路的交通了.

價錢方面. 專車由花蓮至花蓮, 加單車. 是NTD700/person

Local tour 就是NTD950-1000 (連午餐)

一清早起來, 是大藍天


就要一籠蒸餃 (NTD30)


一籠十個, 個個咬下也都噴出香濃肉汁. 好味.


之後到7-11買早餐給2號. (因民宿不包早餐)

8:30am 在民宿等太魯閣峽谷自行車行的陸先生.

他就是師哥老闆, 很年青, 但好似已是4位小朋友的爸爸.


先叫他車我們到火車站買明天回台北的車票. 因想坐太魯閣號, 坐位比較搶手.

後到新城他的自行車行拿單車. (其實如果想再廉價些, 是可自己坐火車到新城站, 自行車行就是在火車站對出. 不過還是給老闆點錢算了. )


之後是直上山到天祥之上, 一路天色很好.

10:30多. 到達白楊步道的入口.

步道內不可騎單車, 要lock 在門口.

白楊步道是比較少遊人來的步道. 因在天祥之上, 交通不便.

而且一來一回, 需時2-3小時. 固local tour 一定不會來.

但是我可告訴你. 白楊步道是我覺得在太魯閣最值得行的.

它有了別步道有的山林峽谷, 綠水和瀑布.

還有最好玩的 : 水濂洞 !

那羣在綠島的12男女也說, 玩太魯閣一定要走白楊步道 !

這步道也是我不join local tour 的重要原因之一.


過了隧道就轄然開朗. 綠水, 高山, 峽谷, 盡現眼前.


行行看看, 個多小時. 到水濂洞.


2號行到這裹, 說不舒服. 在外面等.

我先換上涼鞋, 雨衣, 電筒, set 好腳架DC.....let's go !

入口先要通過一小水塘, 固腳一定會濕. 

一入洞內, 全黑. 如無電筒, 伸手不見五指.

再行入點, 只見地面水流十分急促. 要行上右面的小路前進.

( 因慢快門關係, 相片看不出地面水流之急促)


雖然是全黑, 但龍龍水聲越來越響. 似是有大瀑布在前方.


行多30秒, 終於見到水濂洞真面目.

原來龍龍水聲是來自洞內多條瀑布 !

瀑布水流很強, 我在右邊路上不敢行近.

不過如果好玩者, 可一試行到瀑布中, 一定十分刺激 !

行到洞口尾, 指示前路不通.


看完, 又走回水洞.

哈哈, 水濂洞其實不長, 快走5分鐘行完.


如果你說不夠激. 嘗試不走右邊石路, 直走瀑布路, 一定可給你高呼 "過引" !

還有, 現在只是無水季. 如大雨後來, 我想就是會好玩了.


可惜2號說倦, 不想再行.

但我只看了白楊步道, 心有不甘呢 !

我提出自己繼續, 她就坐單車行的車回去.

她說OK, 我們就騎單車到天祥找單車行.

安排好了, 我再出發.


緣水步道, 我無行了.


不行綠水步道. 只上亭上一看.



道路都在山谷中. 自已騎車就是這樣好, 要停就停, 慢慢欣賞.


低B仔自拍. 哈哈 !


可惜此後好景不常, 下起雨來. 固不多拍照.




燕子看不到, 遊人到處是也.



再前行, 接近太魯閣谷口了.

水越來越小, 看得見河床.



後來才發覺過了去砂卡礑步道的路. 但已到谷門口了.

只好走上太魯閣台地一看. 但是公体日, 什麼遊客中心和展館也關了...

雨後, 雲霧環山, 美景處處.


我只要在太魯閣台地向上走, 就可到砂卡礑步道.


在走上台地的路上, 也接近停了十多次.


何況我也不會下水玩了, 而綠綠河水也看了很多, 還有今晚和明早也要騎單車......去不了, 算吧 ! (在自圓其說....)

看完太魯閣, 再回想多年前一遊的美國大峽谷, 我的感覺是: 其實我們中國的風景, 真是超世界級 !

Info :

太魯閣峽谷自行車行 (陸先衡)
Tel :   0955-172726,  03-8610177
email: luicelu@gmail.com

7 則留言:

  1. 太魯閣真係好大,我去左兩次都仲未行得晒.
    [版主回覆05/10/2009 07:07:00]是. 可參觀的地方很多.
    但我是貪心的人. 想多看不同的東西.
    太魯閣行了白楊後, 別的步道我覺很也是差不多.
    如一些朋友, 用2-3天去感受它, 我自己就不會了.

  2. hello, 偶爾咁search到您個blog. 我27/5會去花蓮玩, 因為check過天氣唔好, 會有驟雨, 想問係花蓮踩單車會唔會好危險. 因為本身plan好左會係七星潭-北/南濱踩單車既. 同埋另外想問下您呢, 如果我得半日時間去太魯閣係咪會唔夠呢? 如果大概由2點開始行, 應該行邊條步道? 睇完您推介後, 我好想行白楊步道. 唔知夠唔夠時間? 唔好意思, 第一次去花蓮, 問題比較多, 先感謝您既回答!
    [版主回覆05/25/2009 09:22:00]花蓮好多時都下雨的....我去幾天也是如此. 但下一會就又變大晴天.
    花蓮踩單車...安全. 路上車不多, 也會讓妳. 如妳怕, 走南濱單車道去七星潭更安全.
    2點pm 開始行...行白楊步道也要2-3小時wo.....同local tour 不去白楊步道的. 最好5:00pm前完成行程, 因天黑danger .
    花蓮坐汽車去太魯閣要一個多小時. 小心plan 時間, 以免到時無時間參觀.

  3. 嘩 .. 好正呀 .. 你的旅程 . 我六月底都 plan 去太魯閣呀 .. 想 book 在天祥的青年中心 . 我想問天祥去 白楊步道有多遠, 因我不會騎單車, 如果行去可以嗎?
    [版主回覆06/02/2009 06:06:00]好似不太遠......大約半小時到嗎.
    不過, 天祥去白楊步道是大上斜wo 我騎單車由上而下就好free好快.....你向上行就幾辛苦
    你不會 騎單車, 會騎機車嗎?
    如什麼也不會, 為什麼到 天祥的青年中心住?  晚上到這裹無什麼玩和食wo ! 而你打算用什麼代步 ? 如用雙腳行, 步道和步路間很很遠的, 不太好吧 !

  4. Hi, thank you for your sharing, I love your detailed blog very much !
    I am a HK girl and is going to travel to 花蓮 and e-lan next week alone. I have a few question to ask as follows:
    1. 太魯閣cycling, safe and security ok ?
    Since I am travelling alone and not really good in riding a bike (just a beginner), do u think that it is safe for a girl to travel 太魯閣 by this method ? esp I want to go to白楊步道,  did you meet any other tourist on the way ? As I don't think I can walk 3 hrs on my own, seems too dangerous =(
    2. 秀姑巒溪泛舟, is it dangerous ? I am not good at swimming either...
    3.七星潭, how long does it take for a return trip from the city of 花蓮 if riding a bike ?
    4. Hostel/民宿, is it ok if I can rent a single room easily when I arrive 花蓮 without reservation ahead ? Are there many cheap single room/private bed to choose from ?
    sorry that I have so many question, because I am a bit worry to travel alone and I am leaving in less than a week.
    [版主回覆08/03/2009 08:50:00]1) i think is safe..but u say really bicycle beginner..u know , some of the road the down slope is large...so u must becare. 白楊步道, i met some other, foreigner most. it very safe to walk inside, not danger at all even a girl alone. Most danger are take bicycle along the park on road. 2) 秀姑巒溪泛舟, no danger also, very safe, my partner also not know how to swim. But if u go there after large rain, the water may be fast..then u may tell the people on your ship u not know how to swim, becare u. Actually, they have safe guard and equipment to protect u .Even u get into water ,relax, the safe cloth help u flow on water.
    3) 七星潭, ...have few road to /back..i use near 5-6 hours totally that day. Road is long for me...u can follow the bicycle road near sea side of city to go there, it more safe and more pretty.
    4) 民宿, usual no signal room ...usual is for double..but double all is one bed only.... the 民宿 i sleep is not expensive at all, compare to the location and decoration. I think , at 花蓮, sleep a pretty 民宿 is good ! esp girl, have a good memory.
    Location is very important, as some cheap 民宿 is far from city side (nt 600/room)..even their map say near the train staion.....u may need to  ride bicycle 1 hours back to city. not good at all. of course, if u ride motor cycle, it's not a so important point !

  5. hi, thx for your quick and detail response ! just want to know more, in 太魯閣 park, are u riding the bicycle on the same road as other vehicle passing by ? or there is a separate path for bicycle ? 白楊步道, do u mean that u met some other hikers in 白楊步道  frequently ? I am afraid of robbery or theft if I go alone, or if I have accident I cannot call for help.... 太魯閣park, do u think it is possible to walk downhill from 天祥 to 太魯閣tourist information center within one day trip alone ? 七星潭, do u mean that u need to spend 6-7 hrs return for cycling between 七星潭 and 花蓮 city center ? If so it will be too long to me, under this hot weather in summer. Is there any public bus going there? thank you again for your help !
    [版主回覆08/03/2009 18:31:00]1) yes, car pass through me....driver will care u , as many people also travel at the same way by bicycle!
    2) yes..see other traveller. i think taiwan not so terrible as china , at least the trour area. but lock your care safely ! They will STEEL your bicycle or motocycle !
    3) 太魯閣park, do u think it is possible to walk downhill from 天祥 to 太魯閣tourist information center within one day trip alone ?...
    my answer..your feet will broken ! Don't try it !
    4) 七星潭..have public transport ? ..not sure.. as it got very very few public transport at 花蓮 (i suspect none actually)

  6. hi, it's me again.
    After consideration, I think I am not able to ride the bike alone. and from the 太魯閣official website, 水濂洞 cannot go in as there are some construction work. so I want to know is it still worth to walk 白楊步道 ? Does it look the same without 水濂洞 with other 步道?
    I may not join local tour as well, is it possible to take 順風車 on the way from 天祥to 太魯閣遊客中心  , many car/bus pass by frequently ?
    I am a bit worried now, because there is another big big typhoon approaching Taiwan now, so sad....
    Thanks again !
    [版主回覆08/06/2009 09:18:00]u see my blog photo, the most interesting is inside the 水濂洞
    ua re so strong, want to  take 順風車? are u like the pretty model ? haha..becare...not all people are good people at all....I not suggest u to do it.
    actaully, i advice u join local tour . as cheaper, safer, and introduce u more the spot information., especially u have one girl alone. Actaully, 70-80% join local tour for foreigner

  7. hey hello
    i am going to hualin next week alone and i dunno how to ride bicycle and motor bike~
    so any suggestions for me?

    local tour? or travel bus in hualin? as i want to go 白楊步道~
