2008年9月30日 星期二

行山 - 01/Oct/2008 國慶東龍島遊 (2)


here is the road to the helicopter station.....



Then we take a long rest inside the station

After the break..exciting happen....walk down the road through a difficult small road..

This time, many non-hiking women join...as they say they don't know this is 行山, not prepare to walk..and many of them wear 涼鞋 and  only...so at the road down...i hear many ugly language ....saying  "how to walk ! i not walk la, crazy ! how come ask people to walk so danger road !  i will COMPLAINT !!! ".....oh my god ..how come u  not ask clearly the trip before u join ??? U must learn not to be sheep after 雷曼迷你債券 !

And the road so difficult , they still hold the ambrella. People ask them not hold ambrlla when walk...they still refuse....so diffcult ...



行山 - 01/Oct/2008 國慶東龍島遊 (1)


This time ,also follow 天馬之友. Here is this trip introduction :


早上10:00 油塘地鐵A出口集合。10:30分步出碼頭乘11時船往東龍島,約中午我們先輕登觀景台232M南堂頂舉眼山海風光野趣無窮,緩落山徑蜿曲坡度舒適到達南堂頭村士多小休。再循小徑出南堂咀觀古蹟炮堡印堂海岸後回碼頭三家村。晚上六時可在鯉魚門聚?#92;AA制約70元,來回船券30元要留位報名。

This time, many people join the trip, i hear is 10X people !  (last few time the max people join is around 30 )....

we start to move around 10:25am , to ride the ferry to  東龍島

Ferry got 2 floor, today is full ! I surely take the upper floor to see more !
it take aroung 30 minutes to 東龍島




Then...start the first location : 石刻 !

We first need a general walk up to the 觀景台, around 40 minutes (of course is lazy turtle sam_pig slow walk ! Strong people need 20 minutes i think )

Then start the first hard walk..down to 石刻 by a long stair ( i hear some people say around 400 steps !


To bottom ,many people fishing.  After a short stay, terrible happen again , UP 400 STEPS !My god !

Haha...after the uncountable steps..pig turtle up to 觀景台 again ! Then we take a rest .and start the walk around the island.

The next target location is the helicopter station. The scence is pretty along the road, as along the sea. However it is quiet a long walk. aroung 1 and a half hour walk..and many up road (but luckly is general up, not terrible hundreds steps like walk. )



2008年9月21日 星期日

行山- 21/09/2008 石澳大頭洲大浪灣


Date: 21/Sept/2008

This Sunday, also follow天馬之友 to have a walk at  石澳

I didn't visit石澳 for over 2 year. The most deep memory of me about 石澳 is last time we order a disk of crab at the restaurant there (quiet expensive) . Memory so deep because they give us dead crab with terrible awful taste. The boss promise us to change any if we feel any wrong at time of order. However, when we taste the crab wrong, then call him, he present us a total black face and say can't change ! After a lot of agrue, he give up and say change for us . But wait over half hour, still no new crab, so we ask him why, and he say no crab now, FUXK u ! ....

This time, I found the restaurant disappeared.....

Ok, lets talk about the trip information:

9月21日( 周日 ) 遊石澳大頭洲大浪灣砵甸乍山下午12:30 筲箕灣地鐵A3出口集合。1時乘9號車到石澳啟步,先遊大頭洲小島,放步大浪灣海灘觀古石刻接港島徑上登馬塘坳繞砵甸乍山引水道落小西灣出柴灣賦歸。

The temperature is so high today, over 32. However, still have near 40 people join !

Ok, let start, the first location is 大頭洲小島

I didn't walk up the island, as it is too hot at all ! over 35 c. I think i will be hot fire pig if follow them to walk over 1 hours to-back the island !

Wait them for over a hours, and take a rest. we start to go to next location : 大浪灣

We walk along the Shek O road, to the Big Wave beach


To Big wave beach , crowed with people !

Then start to return...as the temperature is really too hot, we walk inside the hill , through the 港島徑.

The road is nice, but the temperature is really so high...i feel exhausted after the 1 hour walk !

And we break again !

Then finally, we change our destination to chai wan.

We follow the 引水道, through the 墳場 (chai wan cemetery)  and down to 柴灣 , which finish our trip !