行山 - 19/Oct/2008 秋遊大潭登龍脊 w 蝴蝶之友
This week, i have join another new hiking group, 蝴蝶之友.
The tour info as follow :
10月19日(星期日)晨 9時15分西灣河地鐵站A出口集合,
乘14號巴士過大潭篤水塘大壩起步。訪大潭篤享寧靜海岸、仰望大壩雄姿。 繼沿山徑接港島徑第七段至土地灣大休,午後緩登石階上石澳道、登龍脊俯瞰大浪灣、石澳及大潭灣一帶美景。 賞景後沿郊遊徑至大潭懲教所或原路返石澳道乘車賦歸。 步程約4-5小時,交通糧水自理。
I arrived 西灣河 about 9:10am, there are around 30 more people already there. Then one of the group leader give me a 貼紙 with their name, which i didn't get from other group before.
They also give us 2 very pretty butterfly 扣針 as gift, whcih is hand made by one of the leader wife, as today is their 5 years celebration day !
The bus stop is just next to the mtr station, we take on the bus 14 around 9:30am. We get off at a station just next to the 大潭篤水塘.
As some of the member are later, we need to wait about 20 minutes more, then we start to walk down and get to a nice place to take a group photo.
We continue to walk to the main gate of 大潭篤水塘
The gate is pretty, and a number of people taking wedding photo.
We stop a while take some photo , then we start to walk around the 水塘 through a long 引水道, 港島徑第七段.
It take around 2 more hour to walk, the road is very easy , no up and down, which i like most !
After a long 2 hours walk, we finally to our lunch place, 土地灣.
土地灣 got a small beach, which is very clean. It have a 士多 there ,which have fired rice and noddle to order ($20 each). It is seldomly I can get to a place which have lunch to order when hiking.
The beach end also is a hobie club. Many 風帆and 獨木舟 stop at there.
After a long break , 1 1/2 hours. we start to walk up a stair with 750 more steps to 石澳道.
At the end of stair, it immediately have a no.9 bus stop. One of out member as discomfort, need to call fireman for help to take her up.
Then a part of the member continue to walk up 龍脊, which is a very good location to俯瞰大浪灣、石澳及大潭灣一帶美景 !
However, i think it's enough for me today. So i stop here and take the bus back to the city, which finish my trip today.
The trip is very comfort, the road is safe and very easy to walk, and u can enjoy the pretty of sea along the trip. If those just want some general walk for 3 hours more. This site is very suitable ! U even no need to take any food as lunch and can swim there !
Reference : http://www.hkwalkers.net/longtrail/chi/hktrail/hktrail_07.htm