2008年10月19日 星期日

[食記] 19/OCT/08 2隻小肥豬挑戰牛頭角下村4小龍(4): 惡店: 文記車仔面

[食記] 19/OCT/08 2隻小肥豬挑戰牛頭角下村4小龍(4):
惡店: 文記車仔面


惡店, 又名可惡之店. 得此名者, 必有其獨到之處: 食物質數及服務態度皆一字日"劣", 缺一不可.

話說步離雲興隆小廚, 太倦, 回家. 路上忽聞噪聲起落, 人頭湧湧. 抬頭一看, 原是文記車仔面.

小豬2號一看, 馬上精神一震, 肚中漲氣全消, 嚷著魚彈魚彈. 憶起此店被網友極力推薦, 想食神來也.

本想沙爹魚蛋一串完事. 憶起炸魚蛋被推說為皇道, 又見店內有空坐位, 固要了三寶. (十元六件)

本來三寶也真只有三寶, 沒一點鼓油甜醬. 多次乞求那位賣三寶姐姐, 她才動其貴手, 助我加上醬汁. 也明白她忙了一整天, 反應慢點也算吧.

走入店內, 選了四人桌一邊坐下. 先試炸魚蛋.

一口咬下, 不得了, 粉團來也!
這是什麼炸魚蛋? 內裹全是粉團, 一點魚肉也沒有. 轉眼一看2號, 她已放下她那手上半口黃金粉團, 搖頭苦笑, 冷眼對望, 像在訴說 : "都話要沙爹魚蛋哪! ".  我, 只好低頭, 吃下剩下的黃金球吧.

數分鍾後,盤上只剩下2號開始那半口黃金球. 如不是2號有點感冒, 那球定要填入我肚中. 就在她剛拿起那半球一刻, 一道黑影一閃, 盤子也隨之消失! 倆人異口同聲: "魚蛋還未入口, 不用這般心急吧!" . 黑影反應只是向我們冷笑一聲,頭也不回.

如是店內人滿患, 外面人龍現, 我們也不會進內吃. 但現實是還有數空桌. 就是不先問, 也應等食物入口才行動吧!

其實三寶要做到難吃, 可能比要做到好吃還要困難. 但此店做到了! 而十元六件也不算便宜, 但材料卻如此不濟............

雖說我不喜車仔面, 但舌頭也不會生在pat pat 上吧! 給我這些東西和服務........

[食記] 2隻小肥豬挑戰牛頭角下村4小龍(3): 真的四十分鍾才完成的煲仔飯: 雲興隆小廚

[食記] 2隻小肥豬挑戰牛頭角下村 4小龍(3) :
真的四十分鍾才完成的煲仔飯: 雲興隆小廚


七時多, 行完山後的腳痛慢慢增加. 固早點安排晚飯.

肥豬2號一早已怨說肚子有點飽, 不吃米飯了.(其實她平常晚上已是米飯不沾的). 但我心意已決, 雲興隆煲仔飯, 必嘗之!

轉过来,又轉去, 尋尋覓覓, 見君(是店)卻在燈火闌珊處.

店內人客不多,固選了一卡位坐下. 而更安排大小姐之至愛, 電視機, 看之, 其望增加胃口, 助我嚥下多一口飯菜.

菜單林羅滿目,種類繁多. 但倆小口子真的是只得2小口(和胃), 只點了臘腸雞煲仔飯($38) 和 沙嗲肥牛金菇煲 ($48).

10分鐘, 沙嗲肥牛金菇煲先到. 十分熱辣, 怕之.(因本人十分怕熱)

開蓋先見全是肉, 喜肉之我樂之! 

但番了一番,再細看, 問題來了:
1) 金菇少之又少也
2) 牛肉不是肥牛來的

肥牛金菇煲.......似不對題吧 ! 算了,試味為上吧 .

一試之, 味道還可以. 只是鹽似是下多了. 但回想這道菜原是給送飯吃, 不作空口嘗, 固是可接受了.  而牛肉的份量也真是多. 48塊錢, 合格吧 !

等了又等, 煲仔飯還沒見影. 但看見倫坐先來者也在乾等,  只好電視機送牛肉吧.

不知何年何日, 忽聞 "小心,沸水! " . 心一喜, 飯來也.

等是值得 ? 還是要罵他媽媽 ? 開飯蓋一看吧 !

第一印象 : 為何雞是這麼少? 可能比較肥牛煲下, 似有點兒失色了. 下了豉油, 番飯, 再焗一會, 試過才下結論.

好, 一試之!
飯, 似是沒焦香. 飯焦, 有一小片吧.
雞, 嫩滑的是了, 可是份量實是不多.
豉油, ok 吧.

正如肥豬2 號所言, 那廟街才售二十多塊的東西. 這個要38元, 還要等不只40分鍾, 在網上給評為神級的煲仔飯, 今天的表現, 似是吹過了頭吧 !


[食記] 19/oct/2008 2隻小肥豬挑戰牛頭角下村 4小龍 (2) 101分服務分! 炭燒雞蛋仔

2隻小肥豬挑戰牛頭角下村 4小龍 (2)
101分服務分! 炭燒雞蛋仔

在興記hea完, 是時候作一些慢步. 肥豬一號再次入迷宮村慢遊.

行不到十步, 麥兜豬腩肉铃聲響起. 肥豬二號老彿爺架到 !

一來電, 馬上說要吃什麼魚彈燒買, 還問興記是否值得她一訪. 其實肥豬二號肚滿但胃小. 每次都是叫多吃小 ,  剩下全推給肥豬一號堆田, 浪費之. 是次是為試而來, 決不可給她破壞 ! 固馬上回絕, 因要一試炭燒雞蛋仔.

炭燒雞蛋仔是一人車仔當, 在近 MTR 一邊. 老版是一位青年才俊.( 哪,老版, 給你美化千倍了...)

車仔當只提供2種食品 : 雞蛋仔和格仔餅. 特色只有一個 :炭燒!

到步時只見一 六人人龍. 沒法, 排.

5分鍾後, 到龍頭. 要了格仔餅一大份(二號愛格仔餅多於雞蛋仔).

不會, 老版完成格仔餅. 收錢時二號肥豬才驚叫 : "忘了要多汁多糖! " . 其實此事經常發生, 人家好的就給你番開加些, 不好的就說已加重料, 拉閘放狗, 過主吧 !

今次此老版做的是: 重做 ! 當然, 不是浪費做好的一份. 因後面的也是order格仔餅, 固老版提意先給後面的, 因番開加料不當. 我們因然接受.

標提已說101分服務分, 我們英俊老版當然不只於此 !

重做的老版真是加重料. 牛油,糖和花生醬接近來了個 double ! 還要問要須分開2份,  分開包 . 收錢時還微笑說謝 !

今時今日在香港這個服務 ! 那怎可不給予服務101分 !!!

好了, 讚美完. 那現實問題, 味道如何 ?

我肥豬一號是現實的, 服務好只是加分, 舌頭不給蒙弊.

答案是合格高一點 !

其實可能order 太多, 或是炭燒溫度不足, 格仔餅只做到熱, 但做不到如北角的翠面. 固不可說是神級 ! 但它蛋味也是香濃, 材料足, 比旺角那些己是高了數級.

你問我會否再試, 我馬上答: 會 ! 因要支持好的商家 .

2008年10月18日 星期六

[食記] 19/oct/2008 2隻小肥豬挑戰牛頭角下村 4小龍 (1) 興記茶餐廳 : 豬扒包

[食記] 2隻小肥豬挑戰牛頭角下村 4小龍 (1)
興記茶餐廳 : 豬扒包

話說行完半日山.  見近日牛頭角下村各美食在網上討論熱鬧非常, 决定一試  !

我從未在牛頭角下村嘗試食物. 因在我的記憶中,商店全坐室外,我不喜歡, 恐懼小強.

下午四時多, 小肥豬一號在如迷宮內村中找到第一目標 : 興記茶餐廳

(1) 興記茶餐廳

在店內外,您都能看到許多單反人,長砲短砲到處是. 我選擇了一個店裡car位, 近水巴. 看看菜單,選擇了豬扒包 tea set, 熱奶茶(HK$17)

不到2分鐘,熱奶茶先到.  正如其他老排當的出品, 香滑是走不了.

再等5分鐘, 主角到: 豬扒包
先說包, 只是溫, 不是熱, 沒有燒翠包皮面.
再說豬扒, 手掌般大小豬扒,半cm厚, 熱辣辣的.

好, 先試一口看他龍或蟲. 正如網上推介, 豬扒味道值得一試. 可要是比較那2年前澳門金馬輪的一口豬扒包, 似是足足输了一馬頭位了 .

那2年前被烤至翠的包皮, 熱辣辣的大豬扒. 當一口咬下, 豬扒的肉汁被麭包如海棉般吸收, 那外翠內肉汁的幸福感, 今天在興記回味不了!  因如果你今天不用那包蕃茄汁, 味道是欠一些吧 !

但如果你要回憶的只是今天的澳門大利來, 那2百多的船票你是可留下了. 用在我們本土興記吧 !

行山 - 19/Oct/2008 秋遊大潭登龍脊 w 蝴蝶之友

行山 - 19/Oct/2008 秋遊大潭登龍脊 w 蝴蝶之友

This week, i have join another new hiking group, 蝴蝶之友.

The tour info as follow :
10月19日(星期日)晨 9時15分西灣河地鐵站A出口集合,
乘14號巴士過大潭篤水塘大壩起步。訪大潭篤享寧靜海岸、仰望大壩雄姿。 繼沿山徑接港島徑第七段至土地灣大休,午後緩登石階上石澳道、登龍脊俯瞰大浪灣、石澳及大潭灣一帶美景。 賞景後沿郊遊徑至大潭懲教所或原路返石澳道乘車賦歸。 步程約4-5小時,交通糧水自理。

I arrived 西灣河 about 9:10am, there are around 30 more people already there. Then one of the group leader give me a 貼紙 with their name, which i didn't get from other group before.

They also give us 2 very pretty butterfly 扣針 as gift, whcih is hand made by one of the leader wife, as today is their 5 years celebration day !

The bus stop is just next to the mtr station, we take on the bus 14 around 9:30am. We get off at a station just next to the 大潭篤水塘.

As some of the member are later, we need to wait about 20 minutes more, then we start to walk down and get to a nice place to take a group photo.

We continue to walk to the main gate of 大潭篤水塘

The gate is pretty, and a number of people taking wedding photo.

We stop a while take some photo , then we start to walk around the 水塘 through a long 引水道,  港島徑第七段.

It take around 2 more hour to walk, the road is very easy , no up and down, which i like most !

After a long 2 hours walk, we finally to our lunch place, 土地灣.

土地灣 got a small beach, which is very clean. It have a 士多 there ,which have fired rice and noddle to order ($20 each). It is seldomly I can get to a place which have lunch to order when hiking.

The beach end also is a hobie club. Many 風帆and 獨木舟 stop at there.

After a long break , 1 1/2 hours. we start to walk up a stair  with 750 more steps  to 石澳道.

At the end of stair, it immediately have a no.9 bus stop. One of out member as discomfort, need to call fireman for help to take her up.

Then a part of the member continue to walk up 龍脊, which  is a very good location to俯瞰大浪灣、石澳及大潭灣一帶美景 !

However, i think it's enough for me today. So i stop here and take the bus back to the city, which finish my trip today.


The trip is very comfort, the road is safe and very easy to walk, and u can enjoy the pretty of sea  along the trip. If those just want some general walk for 3 hours more. This site is very suitable  ! U even no need to take any food as lunch and can swim there !

Reference  :  http://www.hkwalkers.net/longtrail/chi/hktrail/hktrail_07.htm

2008年10月11日 星期六

[食記] 12/OCT/2008 峇里餐廳

[食記] 12/oct/2008 峇里餐廳

We 2 person just try this old restaurant last night . 
It give me a not so good impression : 一粒老鼠屎弄污了那本是美的粥!

Don't worry , i am NOT talking this restaurant have mouse shit find at food.

The mouse shit is meaning one of the waiter !

* He is  who i called 老鼠屎

The old 印尼 restaurant is located at a place not too open, but if u find it at map before, I sure u can find it easily.

The outlook of this restaurant is not very nice, like those of the 20 years old shop! I already tell my girl friend before we get the location, but she still think for a while whether we should go in at the shop front door.

Actually, i don't think it is too ugly, just it using a soft and relatively dim nighting, so making the shop get a romatic feel, or say old !  But I sure it didn't give u dirty feel when u sit down !

The restaurant got many table, so u didn't fear of no choice . And it get many sofa 2-4 person seat, which is my most favour.  The sofa can say is comfortable, and clear, no any broken found on it at all.

Then we start to look at the menu to see what we going to eat !

It got many type of food, and got some set dinner ( which i think is more suitable if u just got 1-2 people ). After few minutes, let's order ! And  老鼠屎 story happen :

The restaurant is just get few waiter, i think is total 4 : the boss, boss wife, 2 other waiter.

While we are ask to order, the boss wife is not here, the boss sit at the front desk, so the actually working force is the 2 waiter only.

I firstly wave by hand, for 2-3 minutes, no response. Then rise up my 2 hands, wait , shake both, wait, speak up for " i need order"....no people response me over 10 minutes.....then i stand up, walk to one of the waiter, 老鼠屎, talk to him " i need order, please come to my desk as soon". He say ok..then 3 minutes later, still no one come...

I start to angry...why i need to wait to order need over 15 minutes and no one repsonse ? And i am not sit at secret corner at all ! I then stand up, search for one of them and see 老鼠屎.

Then i look at him (i sure he see me ), and say "order " with hand signal... I see him knock his head..and turn back....i still not sit down, wait is he go to my desk, but i see him didn''t !

Then  i really angry ! What's the fuxking up ! I am not playing hide and seek !!!
I turn, and walk before him, and speak to him "i need to order immediately" with angry tone . Then he follow me to table to order.....

What we order is simple , as my girl friend didn't eat much :
黃薑飯, 牛油雞翼, and 小窩米線....however he say no 小窩米線....as she not eat rice ..i ask 老鼠屎 what the similar like....he say got 米線 but is $30 !...and my girl friend say no.....

so at last what we order is just 黃薑飯 and 牛油雞翼 only ...i am really angry..and plan to eat other after this dinner.....what a bad service !

I see the table next to us also ask 老鼠屎 to packup the food....And result...they wait 10 minutes still nothing happen law !

We wait about 10 minutes, the 黃薑飯 come.

黃薑飯  ($58) Comment:
1) The rice is more "yellow oil" then the shop at kwun tong one. I like it.
2) The meat seems is less than kwun tong. Taste both is good
3) The 巴東牛肉 , really is excellent !! very soft and good taste .However, just got 2 small piece !

Then wait more then 20 minutes, next disk come , 牛油雞翼.

It got 6 piece, size is large. However,  i think just look at the photo , seems is not like the 牛油雞翼 at all...i think is more like Switzerland chicken wing 瑞士雞翼 

牛油雞翼 ($58) comment :
1) must eat when it is hot !
2) not like 牛油雞翼 as not the 翠cover skin look
3) the sauce is sweet, and also the wing suface is sweet...i think is add some honey like what we do at BBQ !
4) overall i love the taste, but my gf say too sweet at all...

After we finish up, we sit a while, the boss wife come back and the boss help to service people. We ask him to give us water, not tea and he do it immediately and smile with us.

And i take some 印尼 candy fome the front desk when we left.

Overall Comment:

1) It is clean, not dirt as it's outlook
2) The food is ok, but size is not very large
3) Price can't say be cheap for that setting. But is not expensive !
4) Please sit at the side near the front desk, so the boss or the other waiter can help u, not the  老鼠屎 !
5) If just got 2 people , better order some set dinner, so u can taste more.

Shop info:

峇里餐廳 Bali Restaurant



PS: just learn a programe called neo-image ....i think many people know it..it can help u make up your photo easily ! This 2 show some old effect to match this old shop ...haha : )