2011年4月23日 星期六

24/04/11 Day3.1 離開Alona Beach, 開始公車Day Tour: Jeppy 到 ICM, 巴士到朱古力山

今日是留在 Bohol last day 了.

安排了 day tour, 無得玩水了 (不過最後比水玩, 雨水 ......haha )

因已訂了 oceanjet 的船票, 5:30pm. 所以時間不多.

又因 "窮 Pig Rule " , 盡力不包車...所以進行了一次比夠少香港 blog 見過的 Day tour, 坐公車.

包車around p2000 for 4 person. 一人p500 去 6-7 個景點.

但我只 interest 4處 : Chocolate hill, Loboc River Cruise , Loboc church, Tarsier Visitors Centre.




Resort 說 7:00am 就有 jeppy 在門口等. 半小時一部. p25/head

我們 6:40am 到門口.

還好早到, 因 6:42 就有 jeppy

6:48am 就離開了 resort.

初時客不多, 車慢慢行等客.

後來坐滿 (爆) 人就開快點了.

給我們感受到一部 Jeppy 真可坐上 30多人 !




再過10分鐘到 ICM


到了 ICM, 7:45am , 車程用了一個鐘, 比 tricycle 慢了 10多分鐘 only.

ICM 8:00am 才開門, 但一大早已有大群人在等開門.


Mall 真是大過香港的很多.


由於 ICM未開門, 我就先到 ICM 對面 Bus station 探路

問人後知道去 Chocolate Hill 就是坐這種公車巴士

8:00am, 8:30am 都有車...之後每半小時一部車.

p60 /person. 車程around 2 小時.


之後就回到 ICM

先在 Ground Floor 寄行理, 是 totally free ! (SM Mall 要一份行理 p50)

之後行了 supermarket 一圈, 買了小小零食.

再看 exhcange shop 未開, 9:00am, 只好回來時才 exchange $$ 了.


時間快過, 就要趕回 bus station, 上 8:30am 去 Carmen 的車

車比 jeppy 好坐很多.

8:35am 就開車離開.


車票, 打筒的.

ICM 買的 Dried Mango Chips, p89 ,200g

後來發覺 ICM 買是最平.

比 cebu 各 mall & supermarket 都平.


還有之後 BB 常買的 Donut.

又想不到幾好味道, 我都中意食.

個包脆脆地, 不會硬.

Sure 好食過日本, 台灣, 香港的 Mr. donut !


Bus 同 jeepy 一樣, 有客就停

而且有2個人專門收錢, 看客, 叫停車.

初時1個鐘都人客不多, 望望窗外景色, 都算 ok.


但後來就很 多上上車, 要3個人坐1排, 比較辛苦, 但還比 jeppy 舒服.

10:45am , 真的2小時, 就到了 Chocolate Hills

不過天氣已由天晴, 到下起雨來.





行了5分鐘, 就有 Block

要收 entry fee , p50/ head

張 ticket 似郵票, 一大版每格 p5 , 可惜下雨無影相了


其實不想行路, 可以坐入口處的 motocycle

但我見網上說行 10分鐘 only. 就又實行 "窮 pig rule ".....可行就行....哈哈.




走 10-15 分鐘, 慢行可以了.


到了  !



到此時, sudden 下起 黑色暴雨, 我們只好在下面涼亭中等.

等了10分鐘, 雨細了點, 上山.

別人說有幾百級樓梯, 我們慢慢行, 要休息就休息, 都不會太難上的.


要休息, 也可到樓梯的觀景小亭





到了頂 la !

真的好多 Chocolate wo ! 棕色的 .

不過再過多個月, 山頂的草長出來, 就只有全綠 chocolate 看了.


有個 Ringing Well,




下大雨, 其實很危險呢


因雨又再大, 只好下山了


下到山, 雨又停了


還要出藍天 !

真比個天玩死 xDDD




回到 counter, 用 p100 買了 7小包 Banana Chips, 都幾好味

之後到落車 路口等 對面回 loboc 的巴士 (是來程的反方向, mean 向市區方向)

在士多剛買完支 p10 的 sprite 就有車了, Lucky ^^


BB 講 Chocolate Hill 無mud 特別 , 又無野玩,  坐太遠車程了, 包車更不抵.

其實好多旅遊點都是如此, 還好入場費不貴.

巨人的眼淚, 感動不了人呢.


Some Info :

The Chocolate Hills are an unusual geological formation in Bohol province, Philippines.[1] According to the latest accurate survey done,[citation needed] there are 1,776 hills spread over an area of more than 50 square kilometres (20 sq mi). They are covered in green grass that turns brown during the dry season, hence the name.

The Chocolate Hills are a famous tourist attraction of Bohol. They are featured in the provincial flag and seal to symbolize the abundance of natural attractions in the province.[2] They are in the Philippine Tourism Authority's list of tourist destinations in the Philippines;[3] they have been declared the country's third National Geological Monument and proposed for inclusion in the UNESCO World Heritage List.[3]

The Chocolate Hills is a rolling terrain of haycock hills – mounds of general shape which are conical and almost symmetrical.[4] Estimated to be at least 1,268 individual mounds to about 1,776, these cone-shaped or dome-shaped hills are actually made of grass-covered limestone. The domes vary in sizes from 30 to 50 metres (98 to 160 ft) high with the largest being 120 metres (390 ft) in height. Bohol's "main attraction," these unique mound-shaped hills are scattered by the hundreds throughout the towns of Carmen, Batuan and Sagbayan in Bohol.[5]

During the dry season, the grass-covered hills dry up and turn chocolate brown. This transforms the area into seemingly endless rows of "chocolate kisses". The branded confection is the inspiration behind the name, Chocolate Hills.[3]


The Chocolate Hills are probably Bohol's most famous tourist attraction. They look like giant mole hills, or as some say, women's breasts, and remind us of the hills in a small child's drawing. Most people who first see pictures of this landscape can hardly believe that these hills are not a man-made artifact. However, this idea is quickly abandoned, as the effort would surely surpass the construction of the pyramids in Egypt. The chocolate hills consist of are no less than 1268 hills (some claim this to be the exact number). They are very uniform in shape and mostly between 30 and 50 meters high. They are covered with grass, which, at the end of the dry season, turns chocolate brown. From this color, the hills derive their name. At other times, the hills are green, and the association may be a bit difficult to make.

Legend has it that the hills came into existence when two giants threw stones and sand at each other in a fight that lasted for days. When they were finally exhausted, they made friends and left the island, but left behind the mess they made. For the more romantically inclined is the tale of Arogo, a young and very strong giant who fell in love with an ordinary mortal girl called Aloya. After she died, the giant Arogo cried bitterly. His tears then turned into hills, as a lasting proof of his grief.

However, up to this day, even geologists have not reached consensus on how they where formed. The most commonly accept theory is that they are the weathered formations of a kind of marine limestone on top of a impermeable layer of clay. If you climb the 214 steps to the top of the observation hill near the complex, you can read this explanation on a bronze plaque.


