Date : 2/Nov/2008
This week, I join a new hiking group , called 華嶽旅行會
The trip info is :
11月2日 《中山史蹟、百載殖民》
集合:上午9:00 中環地鐵K出口(皇后像廣場側)認旗。
This trip is different from what i join before, as is walk along the city.
The climate today is not well, forcast is small rain. At the time i arrived, around 9:00am, have a large rain. This trip got many people join, i think at least 60 more people, may be most people consider it is a more easy walk trip and can learn some history.
The trip leader is a young handsome gentleman, Mr. Chan. He is a very good speaker, have a lot of knowledge about hk history.
We start the walk at around 9:30am. It is so lucky that from now on, i didn't need to take out my umbrella till the end of the day.
We fistly visit the hsbc. Ok, the first question for u : "What is gender of the 2 lions of HSBC " ? Tips : Look at the lion hair !
Ok...The answer is ......both of them is male ! As both of them got air along head, which only present on male lion.
But the lions of Bank of China are different : one is male , with a gold ball under, while another is female, with a baby lion under.
And if u look carefully on the lion body of hsbc, u can see some hole and scar on it ! Why ? because the lion is damage during it shipping to hk and it's gun war near the lion, so some hole is actually pallet hole !
Then , we walk along some other building, to the stair with 4(actaully is 3 , as one is recent broken) old gas lamp which still working.
Then walk around central area, finding some spots along the 中山史蹟徑 . Along the 史蹟徑, there will be a pink board near the special building/spot, which provide some information about the history there.
Hey, ask u a question: Why Hollywood road got the name Hollywood ? What is hollywood ?
The answer is 荷李活道(Hollywood Road),有時亦稱作荷里活道,位於香港中環至上環,是香港開埠後興建的第一條街道。「荷李活道」的名字與美國電影業的好萊塢無關,卻來自早年荷李活道一帶的冬青樹(Hollywood)。
*This is another oldest gas lamp at central, but it is out of function and no one care now ! (Mr. Chan say this is his secret spot. )
Then we visit a few more place, from central walk to sheung wan. After walk along the history road, we finally to our lunch place, HKU ! Time about 12:15pm.
We break till 1:15pm, then start the afternoon walk : walk to the peak !
We firstly across the hku, to 克頓道, along the morning trial, up the peak trial, totally 2800m. The first park to the road is more tired: Although no stair, but it's is deep up slope.
We then up to the city boundary(克頓道界石) , which actually is a rock stand at roadside . Here is some history I find on net :
雖然隨着市區擴展,此名今日已不多見,但香港童軍、香港青年商會、扶輪社等組織仍然保留「維多利亞城分區」,維多利亞城的界線仍記錄在香港法律之中,而部份於1903年設立的界石亦仍然存在於城市界線上。而該七塊刻有「City Boundary 1903」字樣的石碑仍然存在於域多利道以北西寧街公園內、薄扶林道行人道,近3987號電燈桿柱、克頓道,距旭龢道400米左右附近、舊山頂道與地利根德徑交界處附近、寶雲道,離司徒拔道交匯處約半公里、黃泥涌道聖保祿小學對面與及馬己仙峽道15號。
值得留意的是,現時仍有不少外地書籍標示維多利亞城為香港的首府。 四環九約是香港成為英國殖民地的初期,民間對於香港島北岸維多利亞城的行政區劃。這個系統直到第二次世界大戰後才停用。
四環 : 四環為較龐統的分類,包括以下4個區域: 西環:干諾道西至堅尼地城 上環:威靈頓街與皇后大道中交匯處起至國家醫院 中環:美利操場起至威靈頓街與皇后大道中交匯處 下環(今灣仔):灣仔道至軍器廠街
九約: 約則為更細緻的劃分,包括以下9個區域: 堅尼地城 石塘咀 西營盤 干諾道西至東半段 舊上環街市至中環街市 中環街市至軍器廠街 軍器廠街至灣仔道 灣仔道至鵝頸橋 鵝頸橋至銅鑼灣
Then we continue walk up lung fu shan country park. The road start to be more general, and can see the ocean view of HK. However, u know, the air quality so bad......disappointed........
Finally, around 3:00pm, we up to Peak ! Today weather is not too good, but area still have plenty of visitor. Break about 10 minutes, we walk down the hill and back to central again !
We firstly along the Findlay Road, along many expensive house at peak. Down chatham road, the road is difficult to walk as it is very slippy after morning rain. Finally through the tramway road back to 纜車總站, which finish today trip. Around 4:20pm.
Down to central, i found there is a motorcycle show. Many pretty cycle on show. Of course, with some pretty model too !
Overall Comment:
The morning walk is a very easy city walk. However, u must have a very well knowledged guide, like Mr Chan, to take u through the walk. Otherwise, u don't know what the story inside those building and stone !
The afternoon walk is more harsh walk, as the first 1 to 1.5 hours up hill slope is tired for me. The view along is good, however, down grade by our poor air quality ! It is very disappinted at all.......