2008年3月19日 星期三

[ 台之吃] Taiwan 5 day at easter 2008 ! ( What we eat ) -Day 1



This post is copy from my old post at travelife.org



[分享] Taiwan 5 day at easter ! ( What we eat )

Just go to taiwan at 20 to 24/ march/ 2008.
Now share some info( most is what we eat )  

day 1  : 20/mar/08 thus  
永康街 永康街牛肉面,冰館, 鼎泰豐
淡水 ->漁人碼頭

(1) 永康街牛肉面
it is quiet expensive....but the noodle and the meat is very very good ! esp the 肋
the noodle soap is good, but i more  like the soap at  舊道口牛肉面

粉蒸排骨 is ok, but very few.....

2)     冰館
Must eat , (but no mango at this time)  , the milk it add is very tastey..may be u may ask add more....

3)   鼎泰豐
nothing to say ! excellent ! a lot better  than hk !
u can inform them u no mind to sit with other people at one desk,  so can skip more time to wait        

4)   洪媽酸梅湯
very  酸...not my favour..but my girl friend say it's wonderful !

5) 阿香蝦卷
ok !

6) 可口魚丸
not good as 九份

7) 文化阿給
walk a long way to find this say "old tradition" shop
it's ok ....can try !

8) 豪大大雞排
no need say la..too famous..really is good

9) 大包包小包
the most rubbish i eat at taiwan

10) 忠誠記蚵仔煎
not very good..the 蚵仔 i think less than 5 piece...and the egg inside got some gel inside..not very good

11) 海友十全排骨
if those like to drink chinese herb soup....must try.

12)    水煎包
1 word ! fantastic !      

13) 大腸包小腸
the first taste is not too good ...but after u eat more ..u will love on it !

