2008年3月21日 星期五

[ 台之吃] Taiwan 5 day at easter 2008 ! ( What we eat ) -Day 3-5



This post is copy from my old post at travelife.org



day 3  22 sat
西門町 : 阿宗面線
阿里山森林遊樂區(雄獅 local tour )

we firstly plan to eat at place near 袖珍博物館
however, when we go there , all chop close ( may be due to saturday, like hk holiday at central )

so we hardly find a small food shop to eat
the 面線, actually, is like 阿宗

As we will left taipei to 阿里山by join a local tour , we firstly plan to eat at 5:30pm at 西門町熊一燒肉(吃到飽
However, when we go there ,it's full ( at 5:30pm) crazy !
the waitress say need to wait till 7:00pm to have table.....so we can only walk around at 西門町 to find some to eat.
Finally sit down at a korea food restaurant.

Luckily , The 石頭飯 and seafood egg is ok.....this night ,we sleep at bus to 阿里山



day 4 23 sun

This day we are not lucky enough to see the sun rise...and it got terrible rain.
However ,it is so lucky when we down to start travel 阿里山森林遊樂區
it sunny again !

we not eat much at 阿里山, just some hot egg and milk.However ,the milk is not pure fresh milk, it's milk powder mix up....

then we goto 奮起湖
at there like 九份 a lot
what we eat is 便當 !

第一飯店便當  ..it's ok, the ground floor is pretty. the lower floor is old. The taste is ok !
阿良鐵支路便當...i don't think it is good  ! the taste for all is bad... the pork is red in color ..so odd...

We back to taipei at 7:30 around , as traffic conguestion ( it's so many people go out taipei at holiday ! i think at least 2/3 is private car ! , not ride public transport )

As educated at last day booking, we book 熊一燒肉 at saturday.
The food is nice ..many meat ! it can korea and order a hotpot ( but no taiwan spicy hotport )
We order is normal food , if add nt 100, can eat more expensive meat...

the meat, although normal, is a lot much better than what we eat at hk korea shop !

For me , i am meat lover ,,it very very good !
For my girl friend, she not eat meat a lot ..but she also enjoy the 吃到飽..
As there are 3 expensive brand ice -cream to free eat ! have 哈根達斯 (4 type) 、明治 ( at least 12 type) 及莫凡彼三項 ( 8 type ) !

I also try al lthe ice cream.......haha
I didn't take much photo , as tired..
if want to have a look, can see a famous taiwan blog  "Wisely 的 拍拍照.寫寫字"
address: http://wiselyview.net/blog/read-1140.html





day5  24 mon
新北投 :親水露天溫泉

what we eat at last is 橘子工房  tea (can start from 1:00pm)

it got aroung 20 typee of cake, the cake size per piece is in half size that itilian tomato at hk
but it got some tasty hot disk to eat (rice, noodle, pizza) , however ,just out 1 type per half hour...

If u have time , go there to enjoy . !


1 則留言:

  1. 荷蘭街 西環站頭
    Sai Wan Station Asian Food Restaurant
