2008年9月30日 星期二

行山 - 01/Oct/2008 國慶東龍島遊 (1)


This time ,also follow 天馬之友. Here is this trip introduction :


早上10:00 油塘地鐵A出口集合。10:30分步出碼頭乘11時船往東龍島,約中午我們先輕登觀景台232M南堂頂舉眼山海風光野趣無窮,緩落山徑蜿曲坡度舒適到達南堂頭村士多小休。再循小徑出南堂咀觀古蹟炮堡印堂海岸後回碼頭三家村。晚上六時可在鯉魚門聚?#92;AA制約70元,來回船券30元要留位報名。

This time, many people join the trip, i hear is 10X people !  (last few time the max people join is around 30 )....

we start to move around 10:25am , to ride the ferry to  東龍島

Ferry got 2 floor, today is full ! I surely take the upper floor to see more !
it take aroung 30 minutes to 東龍島




Then...start the first location : 石刻 !

We first need a general walk up to the 觀景台, around 40 minutes (of course is lazy turtle sam_pig slow walk ! Strong people need 20 minutes i think )

Then start the first hard walk..down to 石刻 by a long stair ( i hear some people say around 400 steps !


To bottom ,many people fishing.  After a short stay, terrible happen again , UP 400 STEPS !My god !

Haha...after the uncountable steps..pig turtle up to 觀景台 again ! Then we take a rest .and start the walk around the island.

The next target location is the helicopter station. The scence is pretty along the road, as along the sea. However it is quiet a long walk. aroung 1 and a half hour walk..and many up road (but luckly is general up, not terrible hundreds steps like walk. )



